Everyone likes animals doing silly things, these videos were found on youtube... I firstly want to know why people were filming these events, what possesses people to have a camera when these events occur !!
It has come to that time of the year when the two biggest clubs in the premiership come to battle. Personally I don't like both teams , but I always tend to side with Utd on these derbys. The thing I like about Utd is the history that they have compared to city. The fact that great players such as Scholes and Giggs are still playing for them well into their 30s.
I cant see this happening at City at the moment, they are still that club that bought them success. Untill they can match Utds tradition and history and have It will only be then that I will start rooting for them.
There are some films that you pretend you don't want to see, as your mates would think your weird, or your girlfriend or boyfriend would be seen dead with you if you admitted to liking these films . Here are a few films which come under this bracked Hobo With A Shotgun
Possibly one of the goriest, weirdest films I have ever seen. Makes no sense, there is over the top gore and violence and some extremely poor acting, ITS PERFECT!!!
This film is about a shark that has been genetically engineered to be part Shark, part octopus ... The aim of this sharktopus is that it will be used as a US army weapon , but it escapes and causes havoc . The bad guy out of batman begins is in this !! god nows why !!
Mega Shark V Giant Octopus
This is basically about a humongous 300ft shark vs a Humungous 300ft Octopus. That is pretty much it . The acting is horrific, like really bad. The set is horrendous and it is extremely low budget and it is obviously low budget . But it is hillarious to watch !
This film is about a Killer tyre .... not much else to say about it really .......
Snakes on a Train
A kind of spin off of snakes on a plane ... but just weirder ... and a heck of a lot shitter !! Its about a women who is under a spell and as a result gives birth to snakes ...or something like that .
Please enjoy these stupid ridiculous films and comment with any other weird films that are out there !!
Over the past few years I have developed into a right little techie. I love new technology and I find it extremely interesting in terms of where we are going with technology , with innovative companies such as Google leading the way in terms of technology.
Some really cool things coming out, or that are in the pipeline that I have found
The Driverless Car:
Google have been developing a driver less car. They have got to a stage in which the car is able to drive on Californian roads. It uses a series of sensors and GPS systems to navigate itself throughout the roads. This is really exciting technology, and the possibilities are endless, in theory if all cars were driver less and able to communicate with each other, it would mean that cars would be able to go at extremely fast speeds, extremely close together , with an incredibly low amount of risk when it comes to crashing. Have a look at this video, to get more of an idea.
Augmented Reality
This new technology merges the real world, with the digital world. What a lot of people don't now is that this technology is already available on your smart phone now, with apps such as layar providing it. Google have developed a prototype for some augmented reality glasses. Definitely worth a look.
3D Printing
Who wants to print pictures off in 2D when you can print objects off in 3D! It is getting to a point with this technology, where the MD of General Motors has said that in his life time, we will be using 3D printers to print out jet engines! Thats pretty big stuff.
I seriously love YouTube cannot get enough of it . You can literally find everything from live concerts .. to a duck being blown in the wind. This is what makes it brilliant. Here are some things that I have found that will keep you entertained.
How To Dance At A Rave
This is hilarious !! full stop, if you manage to pull off any of these moves within a club, you are an ultimate hero in my book. Just watch it and see. Its all about the chernobyl child !!
Light Emitting Dudes
Really Cool Video, visually incredible. definitely worth a watch.
This is pretty cool, shows how far technology is going, and where we could be in the future .. Worth a look.
Over the last decade, lets face it the X factor has ruined English music, every single year, we get some horrendous cover of a normally awesome song that for some reason has an 'automatic right' to the Christmas number 1, whilst everyone still complains about X factor and how its got 'boring' or there is no ' talent, people still watch it.
I confess I am one of these people. I hate everything about X factor, yet I am still compelled to watch it week in week out. Over the last few weeks I have come to a conclusion that there is a set of underlying reasons why people still watch it. I shall now explain my theory
People love to complain and rant !
This is the category that I come under. I have come to the conclusion that I watch the X factor for purely one reason, and that is to basically complain about how shit it is !!. Everyone loves a good rant every now and then, and the X factor fulfils this perfectly. The fact that every week Tulisa passes judgement on peoples singing abilities, would wind anyone up.
People Don't Have a Life
Lets face it, unless your middle aged or older, you should not be in on a SATURDAY NITE !!!!, come on people go to the pub ! see a band .. hang out with other people. Don't stay in and watch crap TV, if it isnt necessary. If you have to stay in watch a good film at the very least. You now your life is in a rut, if every Saturday it seems a good idea to stay in and watch X factor.
There Are No Other Decent Programmes On Any More
All the years of X factor dominating ratings, means that any other decent programmes are too scared to compete with it. Please one decent TV programme step up and compete with Xfactor !! we need some choice on a Saturday night !!
I could be wrong but through weeks of shouting at the screen, and hating years of shit artists like Alexandra Burke, and little mix coming through and dominating the charts, enough is enough.
Just look at this performance... what a load of crap......