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Friday 7 December 2012

For all you Geeks out there ...

Over the past few years I have developed into a right little techie. I love new technology and I find it extremely interesting in terms of where we are going with technology , with innovative companies such as Google leading the way in terms of technology.

Some really cool things coming out, or that are in the pipeline that I have found 

The Driverless Car: 

Google have been developing a driver less car. They have got to a stage in which the car is able to drive on Californian roads. It uses a series of sensors and GPS systems to navigate itself throughout the roads.  This is really exciting technology, and the possibilities are endless, in theory if all cars were driver less and able to communicate with each other, it would mean that cars would be able to go at extremely fast speeds, extremely close together , with an incredibly low amount of risk when it comes to crashing. Have a look at this video, to get more of an idea. 

Augmented Reality

This new technology merges the real world, with the digital world. What a lot of people don't now is that this technology is already available on your smart phone now, with apps such as layar providing it. Google have developed a prototype for some augmented reality glasses. Definitely worth a look. 

3D Printing 

Who wants to print pictures off in 2D when you can print objects off in 3D!  It is getting to a point with this technology, where the MD of General Motors has said that in his life time, we will be using 3D printers to print out jet engines! Thats pretty big stuff. 

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